Orginaly I thought that the red paint wasn't going to be red enough but it's almost too red. The white rub on letters shows up pretty well though the red could've been a little darker. I was a little too eager to finish today and you can see a couple of big thumb prints if you hold the box up to the light just right. I ordered some white knobs to keep the whole red & white look.
I had to re-wire a pot, the AC jack and the LED before I closed it up. I should have just left the AC jack bypassed because the circuit is positive grounded which shorts out any multi-unit AC adaptors when other negative grounded effects are connected. So the unit's gonna run of battery.
I placed an order for some components to build Rangemaster Treble Boost box last night so I should be busy soldering next weekend. The schematic is simpler but it'll be harder because it's not a kit, so I'll really have to take it slow so I don't screw anything up.
One day I'll actually play through this stuff.
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