The last link is the amp you see right here. This is a Gretsch 6162 amplifier that I've owned since I was 13. It hasn't worked though for about 20 years. I've always wanted to get it fixed but I've always had other bills and stuff.
But Saturday I drove to Austin and dropped it off at Austin Vintage Guitars. These guys know how to fix old gear and have a touch for bringing dead gear back to life.
The 6162 is a small combo amp with 17 watts of power through 2 10' speakers. It has built-in reverb and tremelo and from what I remember, the tone on this amp was clear and tight, a great addition to the rig. I'll probably be A/B ing between amps to broaden the sounds I can get instead of running them both at the same time.
It's supposed to be done on Friday and I can hardly wait.
What a coincidence - I have the exact same amp and live in Austin and am also looking to get my amp serviced. It works fine most of the time(occasional pops & buzzes) but those filter caps are old and ugly and while I would feel comfortable replacing them on a Fender, I don't know enough about Gretsch amps(or have the schematics) to risk electrocuting myself...
Please let me know how Austin Vintage treats your amp. I was thinking of taking mine up to John @ Tonecraft Repair over there on North Loop because he has been real accomodating at showing me how to repair my old Fender amps(too bad I sold 'em all).
I'll let you know how they do benj.
I almost considered working on it myself but I never did find the right schematic for the amp. The only free 6162 schemo out there is a 2 channel version.
BTW, are you AIA?
Hi guys, I am in Saskatoon SK Canada, and have been very interested in finding one of these, or one more powerful. I have never heard them, but have a soft spot for vintage. PLease let me know how it works for you, and if you ever want to sell, or hear of one!
I had the same problem trying to find a schematic to this exact amp(well a free one at least). I'm afraid I don't know what AIA is so I must not be one ;-)
....Mark in Canada, the 6162s are truly great little amps. My amp has the mid rangey tones and feel/response of Vox AC-15, but it's much "throatier" and less controlled. It's has that sensitive, "out of control" rock n roll feel of a Tweed Deluxe, but it doesn't have the gain of the deluxe - more a really good gritty cleanish sound to light crunch. It has a real edgey shime to it that I really adore for rhythm guitar work...
If you just want to become annointed into the Supro/Valco/Gretsch family you might try keeping an eye out on ebay for those or one of the many other imprints of Valco amp family from the 50s & 60s. I think Ouahu & Airline branded amps were also made with the same tonal principles in mind.
...another cheaper option is I have seen a few schematics on the internet where the Supro/Gretsch/Valco tonestack has been put into a stombox and they sound really great from sound clips. A couple of pedal makers even sell them retail if you want to go that route. One foreign company called BJF sells one called the "Honey Bee" on - it really sounds sweet.
By the way, I won't be selling my amp anytime soon but to give you hope I scored mine for $350 on ebay about a year ago so deals are still to be had...
Mark, you can find one on ebay about every 3 months or so but the prices vary wildly. The cheapest I've seen was a steal at just under $300, the most expensive went for almost $1,400!!! 8-0
These amps have a nice tone to them. The only caveat is that they use 6973 power tubes and those are getting a a little hard to find. Though I have noticed that places like have 6973s made by EHX but I have no idea how good they are. Beggers can't be choosers I guess. GO TO GRETSCH 6162 I had one from 66-76 Best amp i ever had
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