Sunday, April 03, 2005

In love with a place

The first time I saw it, I was in love.

Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater has always seemed to be the best expression of "living space" to me and greatly influenced our house purchase.

I'm a fan of Mr. Wright's work. When we went to New York we made sure to visit the Guggenheim mostly to see Wright's design in person.

I've got to go now, I'm in the middle of a big bike race!


Richard said...

I want to hear more about the bike race.

pi22seven said...

The bike race line comes from Gavin, a "kid" in a Kids in the Hall skit.

Picture of Gavin is here:

Richard said...

hhhhm. I'm usually good with cultural references, but I missed the whole "Kids in the Hall" thing.

pi22seven said...

That's because KITH aren't cultural, they're CANADIAN!