Monday, June 27, 2005

If I could do it over agian...

I was just watching The Price is Right and I've decied that in my next life I'm going to be a spokesmodel.

It seems pretty easy. Just pose next to a product and make it seem like the best thing ever. I could do that.

Yeah, sometimes you have to dress like a pirate for the Carribean trip or like a fireman when you give away a barbecue, but that'd be okay.

Plus you get to sleep with Bob Barker!

Unless there's some dark secret I don't know about, there really isn't a down-side.


Richard said...

I'm still shuddering at the image of Bob Barker.

LisaPal said...

Thanks for saying it, Richard. I was so disturbed by that thought but I couldn't quite find the words, so I consoled myself with the image of pi being his usual self, just wearing a cute little outfit and posing with products, complete with those little head tilts and hand gestures...heheheheh.....

pi22seven said...