Friday, July 15, 2005

A little help please...

I'm getting a little pissed off at FLICKR!

The silly little FLICKR photo badge I have in my sidebar works for me only part of the time. Sometimes I get the cool photo montage thingy, sometimes it diplays "no such photos".

So, if a couple of you 2.73 readers could let me what you see that would be great.


Richard said...

Currently (at work) I am getting "no such photo's", but the last two days (at home) it's been working for me.

pi22seven said...

Thanks for your help guys. .73 is letting me down though.

Yeah, I'm getting the same crap. I've changed it twice already.

I guess it's time I wrote a sternly voiced email to FLICKR.

Richard said...

ok, I'm back at home and now I'm getting no photo's here too

Anonymous said...

I saw it a couple of days ago, but now I'm getting the same thing as everybody else. No f-in photos.

Or something like that.


pi22seven said...

But that would be kinda cool if it said that. I'd prolly ditch my pics to have it say that!

pi22seven said...

It WAS working earlier but now it's not!


LisaPal said...

So far it's been working every time I've been here...

pi22seven said...

Something was bound to screw up after I fixed the problem I had with comment's authors' names not showing.

Richard said...

By the way, now it's working.

pi22seven said...

At this point I'm pretty sure it's working just to mock me.