Saturday, October 02, 2004

Bored at work.

I'm stuck here at work, directing "severe" weather cut-ins.

I'm supposed to get off work at 9:00am after directing my station's Saturday morning news. But here I am. Watching our radar and putting our weather guy on tv every 20 minutes or so. If I was a kid I'd be major pissed off that my cartoons were being interupted.

I'm operating with a skeleton crew of myself to punch buttons on the switcher and our audio op for sound. We'll prolly be stuck here for another hour or so before the weather guy lets us go.

After watching Star Wars on DVD the other night I killed about 15 seconds this morning pretending I was operating the kill-em-all switch on the Death Star. They used a tv switcher as the control panel so it made sense.

Yup, bored.

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