Saturday, July 03, 2004


So it looks like somebody's spoofed one of my Hotmail email addys.

I'm getting a bunch returned stuff, stuff I never sent. And emails with strange attachments. A lot of the emails with attachments get blocked so I never see them.

The whole thing is pissing me off though. I use that account for online semi-official transactions. But all is cool, I just moved all of my real world stuff over to my Gmail account so things should be ok.

I'm kind of bothered by the fact that I can't seem to find a link to report this to the Hotmail people.

I'm prolly gonna let that mailbox fill up so shit gets bounced back to the senders.

I blame whitey!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey hey, good luck with the new blog. I know I'll keep reading, and thanks for the link! - Chester