Thursday, August 12, 2004

I hate tired.

Worked until 1am last night. Had to be back 7 hours later.

Of course I couldn't sleep right away. So I listened to Orson Scott Card's Xenocide on my iPod until I dozed off.

This morning I punched a shit show for GDSA. I was just off. I couldn't focus and I made 2 mistakes, I fucked up a bump when I rolled the SOT too early then I double punched a shot during an interview. I wouldn't care really because there's only about 80,000 people watching at that time, but I'm a pretty damn good director and I haven't made any on-air mistakes in almost 10 months.

Spent the rest of the workday just kind of numb.

Sent a script for a spot to a client today and he wasn't impressed. In all honesty I wasn't either and I was going to work on it tonight but I never got around to it. I'll just fix something up real quick when I get done with GDSA. I do my best work with my back against the wall.

We had dinner at a trendy up-scale bistro tonight. For some reason I felt like Nick Carraway in Gatsby.

Sleep beckons.

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